Support email:

Support number: +1(438) 630 0934

Merchant ID: 6002511

Address: Hay Nassim Nr 21 Mechraa Belksiri, Morocco

At MarioSolutions we provide professional and friendly support to our customers. To keep things clear we created this support policy to outline the scope of our support.

We provide 1-on-1 support by e-mail. Submit your request using our support form.

How can we help you?

Assistance installing and setting up the website  Happy to help
Questions about website’s features and functionality  Happy to help
Website’s bug fixes  Happy to help
Compatibility with third-party plugins or themes  Cannot help, sorry
Customizing plugins for personal needs  Cannot help, sorry
Implementation of plugin’s individual scenarios  Cannot help, sorry
Setting up a server or domain  Happy to help
General problems with your e-Com or CMS Platform  Happy to help